This member of the Amaryllis family is a genus of about 10 species from mainly south and central America and extending into southern North America. They are closely related to Hippeastrums and Zephyranthes; resembling a ‘miniature’ Hippeastrum as they are often referred to. Recent revision of the South American Amaryllids places these and many other familiar genera into Zephyranthes, however we are still retaining the familiar name here for convenience. The flower stem emerges often after the first Summer rains and produces marginally flaring trumpet-shaped blooms that are held at a slight outward facing angle. Blooms range in colour from white, yellow and through to pink. Blooms are followed by narrow strap-like foliage throughout the Winter months. Incorporate some complete fertiliser at planting time and top dress in the Spring. They are best left undisturbed, lift and divide if they become crowded. Normal Winter rains are adequate but water if the season is dry. They herald the Autumn and make a very showy display in a pot.
Available January to March