Closely related to Nerines this member of the Amaryllis family has about 10 species native to China and Japan. Roman history states that they are named after ‘Lycoris’, Marc Antony’s mistress, who was famed for her beauty. Flowers emerge before the foliage on stems from 15cm to 70cm. The blooms range in colours from cream, yellow, red, through to pink and even blue. Commonly called ‘Spider Lilies’ pertaining to the appearance of the blooms as many have reflexed crinkly petals and long curved protruding stamens. The strap-like foliage appears after the Summer/Autumn flowering season, dying back each year before Christmas. Plant in warm sunny position with a small amount of blood and bone and lime. Top dress each year at the end of Autumn and Spring with a small amount of complete fertiliser and a little potash to promote next seasons flower. Usually normal Winter/Spring rains are sufficient; then withhold water from the end of October until Christmas, then give a good soak to start the flowering period. This dry rest is essential in flowering Lycoris successfully. Some of the species require frost protection through our Winter months. A fascinating addition to your Autumn flowering garden.
Available January to March
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