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A genus of thirty or more species belonging to the Hyacinthaceae Family they are native to the Mediterranean region and Western Asia. Commonly called “Grape Hyacinths”, the strap-like foliage appears soon after autumn planting followed in early Spring by flower spikes bearing ‘grape-like’ clusters of heavenly scented bells in colours of blue through to white.

Bellevalia are a genus of up to 50 species from Europe and the Middle East. They are very similar in appearance to Muscari however the flower tubes are open at the ends.

Plant bulbs in a very drained loamy soil enriched with a complete fertiliser or blood and bone. Normal Spring rains should be adequate, can be left undisturbed for several years, just top-dress with a complete fertiliser each Autumn. Ideal for a sunny border or a pocket in a rockery. They are also happy in a pot.  


Available January to March